About SWHA

Established in 1969, the Sedro-Woolley Housing Authority provides high-quality, affordable housing to some of the community's most vulnerable residents. SWHA manages 80 units of subsidized housing, ensuring that more than 150 people have a place to call home. These people include economically disadvantaged families, seniors, and persons with disabilities.


Positions at the the Sedro-Woolley Housing Authority are hired through the King County Housing Authority in line with the contract between the two agencies. When available, SWHA employment opportunities are listed on KCHA's job listings website.

Financial Information

The Sedro-Woolley Housing Authority's operating costs are completely covered by tenant rents and direct support from the federal government. SWHA receives no funding from the State of Washington, Skagit County, or the City of Sedro-Woolley. View SWHA's financial statements for fiscal year 2023 (PDF).

Board of Commissioners

SWHA is governed by a five-member volunteer Board of Commissioners. Each commissioner is appointed by the mayor of the City of Sedro-Woolley and approved by the city council.  (The King County Housing Authority, under contract, oversees SWHA's daily operations. This includes property management, maintenance, and accounting services.) The commissioners are not compensated for their service.

Current SWHA commissioners include: Laurie Fellers (Chair), Katherine Olson, and Debra Lancaster. Robin Walls, President/CEO of the King County Housing Authority, is the SWHA Secretary.

Board Meetings & Documents

The board meets at 10:45 a.m. on the third Thursday of during the months of February, April, June, August, October and December at Hillsview, 830 Township St., Sedro-Woolley, unless there is cause to convene a special board meeting.

The next meeting has not yet been scheduled.